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Broken Authorization in Scala

Play SecureFlag Play Scala Labs on this vulnerability with SecureFlag!

Vulnerable Example

There are several instances of broken authentication/authorization, the most common of which is surely no mechanism at all. In Scala (Play Framework) endpoints are secured by means of actions composition. Consider the following example of a controller exposing a single publicly accessible endpoint:

class MyController @Inject() (
    AuthAction: MyAuthAction
    implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext
) extends AbstractController(cc) {
  def myEndpoint =
    Action { implicit request =>


Authentication/authorization mechanisms are plugged in using composition. Suppose, for example, that the security mechanisms are implemented in the following class:

class AuthAction @Inject() (
    parser: BodyParsers.Default
    implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext
) extends ActionBuilderImpl(parser) {
  override def invokeBlock[A](
    request: Request[A],
    block: (Request[A]) => Future[Result]
  ) = {
    if (/* TODO implement the auth mechanism here... */) {
    } else {

It is possible to add AuthAction to the original myEndpoint in the following way:

def myEndpoint =
  AuthAction { implicit request =>


MITRE - CWE 285 - Improper Authorization

OWASP Top 10 2021 - Broken Access Control

OWASP - Access Control Cheat Sheet

Play Framework - Action composition